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Implementation of the logistics controlling concept in the management of transport enterprises

UDC 005.935:658.7 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2023-18-1 JEL Classification: M14, F63, L92. Received: 20 March 2023 Perederii N.M. PhD in Economics, Vice-Dean Faculty of Management, Transport and Logistics, Professor (Associate) of the Department of Air Transportation Management National…

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Journal – Smart-SCM #19(2023)​

Intellectualization of logistics and Supply Chain Management Information about the current collection The author’s information In ukrainian The author’s information in English The author’s information In ukrainian  Інформація для авторів Електронний науково-практичний журнал «Інтелектуалізація логістики та…

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Theoretical and practical aspects of corporate social responsibility tools usage by aviation companies

UDC 005.3, 656.7 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2023-17-4 JEL Classification: M14. Received: 24 January 2023 Ovdiienko O.V. PhD Student, Marketing Department, National Aviation University Ukraine ORCID: 0000-0003-2770-4895 Web of Science ResearcherID: S-6493-2018 Scopus author id: 57224218209 Download the…

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Development of intelligent transport systems of Ukraine

UDC 332.1 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2023-17-3 JEL Classification: C51, F63, L92, O33, R58. Received: 14 January 2023 Grytsenko S.I. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Logistics Department, National Aviation University Ukraine ORCID: 0000-0002-3322-3986 Web of Science ResearcherID:…

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Interrelation of external costs of road transport and financial and logistics indicators of the EU countries

UDC 338.47, 504.03 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2023-17-2 JEL Classification: E27, О11, О40. Received: 12 January 2023 Savchenko L.V. PhD of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Logistics Department of National Aviation University Ukraine ORCID: 0000-0003-3581-6942 Web…

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Transformation of the organization of multimodal transportation under martial law

UDC 005.935:658.7 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2023-17-1 JEL Classification: L15, O11, Q13. Received: 04 January 2023 Bugayko D.O. Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor (Associate), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Vice – Director of…

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Transformation of business processes in a changing environment

UDC 338.3:338.005.96 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2022-16-5 JEL Classification: С67, D29, J29, L23. Received: 28 November 2022 Lysenko O.I. NAAU auditor, leading teacher of the International Register of Independent Auditors, Senior Lecturer. National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv…

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State, competitiveness and prospects of supply chains development in Ukraine in context of european integration aspirations

UDC 339.976.2 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2022-16-4 JEL Classification: F15, L90, M21, O19, P45. Received: 24 November 2022 Popovychenko I.V. Doctor of Economic, Professor, Head of Finance, Economics and Entrepreneurship Department Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and…

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Challenges of sustainable development and safety of world civil aviation in the conditions of globalization

UDC 005.52:005.334 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2022-16-3 JEL Classification: Н53, Q20, P39. Received: 15 November 2022 Bugayko D.O. Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor (Associate), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Vice – Director of…

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Peculiarities and threats of managing humanitarian supply chains under martial law

UDC 656.1; 658.7 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2022-16-2 JEL Classification: Н53, K32, L98, Q20, P39, R13. Received: 07 November 2022 Kostiuchenko L.V. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of logistics Department of National Aviation University Ukraine ORCID:…

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