Peer review

The order of internal review 1. The materials, which come to the Editorial board of the electonic scientific-practical journal ” Intellectualization of logistics and supply chain management” are subject of mandatory review ( expert assessment…

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How to submit an article

Requirements for a scientific article The editorial board of the electronic scientific and practical edition supports the high level of requirements for the selection and review of articles. These rules are determined by the scientific…

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Indexation of the edition

Placement of electronic scientific and practical publication “Intellectualization of Logistics and Supply Chain Management” in search engines, international scientometric bases and repositories DATABASE OF SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION Index Copernicus ICI World of Journals collects information on…

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Home Journal

The concept of the periodical is focused on the development of a sustainable model of interaction between science, business and society in order to form and distribute advanced knowledge and practices of conversion of the…

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Edition partners

International partners The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki University of Zilina Universities Department of Logistics National Aviation University Business partners InfoBusiness Group LLC United Cargo LLC Continental Logistics LLC…

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Submit an article

To publish an article you need: Write the article and arrange it according to the REQUIREMENTS Download and complete the AUTHOR’S PROFILE Send ARTICLE AND QUESTIONNAIRE from your email to our one: Wait for…

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Editor in Chief HRYHORAK Mariia Yuriivna Main place of work: Position: National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Professor of Department of Management of Enterprises Degree: Academic status: Doctor of Economics Associate…

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Редакційна колегія

Головний редактор ГРИГОРАК Марія Юріївна Основне місце роботи: Посада: Національний авіаційний університет завідувач кафедри логістики Науковий ступінь: Вчене звання: доктор економічних наук доцент Президент Українського логістичного альянса Ідентифікатори та персональний профіль Заступники головного редактора КУЛИК…

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Like to us on social networks Contact Us Contact Information Founder and publisher Viold Limited Liability Company Editorial board E-mail: +38(063) 593-30-41 Work time Mon-Fri: 9am – 6pm Sat-Sun: Weekend Mailing…

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User Agreement

User’s agreement Document version № 1 “22” January 2019 Before using the site, please read this document carefully. Use of the site is prohibited without agreement with the terms of this document. By giving consent…

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