The Jubilee Inauguration of the 2020/2021 academic year at The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław

On October 5, 2020, the solemn, hybrid inauguration of the 2020/2021 academic year (Photos 1 – 3) took place, beginning the celebration of the 20th anniversary of teaching and research activity at the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław (the IULT).
Photo 1. The University’s Authorities during the inauguration of the academic year
Photo 2. – The speech of his Magnificence The Rector, dr Marcin Pawęska, the Professor at the IULT
Photo 3. Gaudeamus Igitur
The IULT in Wrocław was established in 2001. The need to set up this type of facility resulted mainly from the fact that there were no universities providing education in the profession of logistics in Poland. When creating the University, the Founders assumed their mission as educating managers prepared to manage modern logistics processes, ready to work in conditions of cooperation in an integrated Europe. The mission was supported by French partners, and the creation of the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław, together with the French university, was awarded the prize of French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin (Photo 4.).
Photo 4. The French Prime Minister’s award ceremony
This distinction was one of the five awarded to international projects with French participation, but the only one in the field of education. The award is all the more valuable as 92 projects from all over the world were submitted. By way of elimination, the undertaking to establish the IULT in Wrocław took the first place awarded in Paris in 2003.
Owing to the cooperation with a strategic partner, the University of Lorraine in France, as well as universities and institutions from all over the world, the IULT educational program provides knowledge and qualifications in the field of logistics, transport and forwarding at the European level. The University, as a private university subordinate to the Minister of Science and Higher Education (currently the Minister of Education and Science), operates on the basis of the Act of June 26, 1997 (Journal of Laws No. 96, item 590, as amended). The education process at the University takes place within the first and second cycle studies. In 2007, the University succeeded in obtaining the possibility of conducting second-cycle (Master’s) studies at major Logistics. The IULT in Wrocław was the first university in the country to be authorized to conduct Master’s studies in the field of logistics.
Currently, the following logistics majors are offered at the IULT:
– I cycle Bachelor’s studies that last 6 semesters, in specializations: Purchasing Logistics, Trade and Distribution Logistics, Production Logistics, Logistics Systems and starting from the current academic year 5 new specializations have been launched: Humanitarian Logistics, Aviation Logistics, Waste Logistics in Automotive Industry, Supply Chain Management in Automotive Industry, and Transport Security;
– I cycle Engineer’s studies that last 7 semesters, in specializations: Automation and Warehouse Systems Maintenance and Information Systems in Supply Chain;
– II cycle Master’s studies that last 3 semesters, in specializations: Supply Chain Manager, Production Logistics Manager, Transport Manager, Life-Saving Processes Logistics, Security Logistics and Uniformed Services Logistics.
Moreover, the University realizes the following I cycle studies:
– Bachelor’s that last 6 semesters, at major Management – in specializations: Enterprise Management, Product Management, Crisis Management, Project Management, Management in Automotive Management;
– Bachelor’s that last 6 semesters, at major Transport – in specializations: Forwarding and Transport Insurance, Transport Company Management, Organizing Special Transports, Rail Transport Management;
– Engineer’s that last 7 semesters, at major Civil Engineering – in specializations: Road and Bridge Construction, Railways.
After obtaining the diploma, graduates can take advantage of the rich offer of 11 specialized postgraduate studies organized and conducted by the University.
The education of students is carried out by highly qualified, experienced academic teachers from Poland and abroad, as well as practitioners in the areas of logistics and transport. The university has modern laboratories supporting education in the following areas: logistics engineering, basic technical problems, computer technologies and construction, including, among others, the ones with the use of RFID technology and 3D printers. Currently, laboratories are being created, where classes will be carried out as part of the new logistics specializations. The IULT was the first in Poland to introduce the system of dual studies. The practice has shown that the offer of dual studies is a very attractive proposition for students who participate in full-time education 3 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), and who take part in paid internships in companies cooperating with the University 2 days a week (Thursday, Friday). The internship fee fully covers the tuition fees.
Thanks to modern technical solutions, the University is fully prepared to conduct classes and defend diploma theses and exams in the on-line system. Students have constant access to a modern e-learning platform, to all resources of the university library, the EBSCO Harvard Business Publishing database, and free De Gruyter e-books. All these undertakings and solutions are also a very practical educational tool in crisis situations. The IULT in Wrocław is the only university in Central and Eastern Europe that has been accredited by the British logistics institute, i.e. The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) for the field of Logistics – first-cycle Engineering and undergraduate studies, as well as Master’s studies. This distinction confirms the high standards of education and the continuous increase in its level. CILT is an organization associating 33,000 TFL specialists in over one hundred countries. Graduates of Logistics studies receive a certificate issued by CILT (UK), which is an additional advantage on the labour market. The University was the organizer of the largest CILT congress, attended by over 400 people from the world of science and business from over 100 countries. As part of its scientific activity, since the academic year 2002/2003, the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław has published over 70 own specialist textbooks, monographs and conference materials from periodically organized international conferences, and since 2004 it has been publishing the scientific journal in English. The university obtains funds from domestic and foreign funds. Projects include activities in the field of education, research, entrepreneurship support, career counselling. Projects are implemented / being implemented, among others under operational programs POWER and RPO, financed by The National Centre for Research and Development (Polish: NCBiR), Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (Polish: NAWA), Marshal’s Office for the Lower Silesia Region (Polish: UMWD), The Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Polish: MNiSW), The Ministry of National Education (Polish: MEN), The Lower Silesian Regional Employment Agency (Polish: DWUP). This results in paid internships in reputable partner companies, aimed mainly at the development of professional competences important from the point of view of employers, support for practical skills, study visits in leading industry companies, career counselling and improving competences through certified industry courses. The activity of the IULT is noticed and highly appreciated by recognized assessment and certification bodies as the one oriented towards business and industry, providing logistics companies with trained professionals in the Transport – Forwarding – Logistics (TFL) industry. The University has received distinctions in the report of the international Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as the one providing logistic companies with trained professionals. According to the Perspektywy 2020 Ranking of Private Universities, the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław is the best logistics university in the country. Ranking of Private Universities – Perspektywy 2020, is one of the most prestigious and authoritative educational rankings in Poland. The ranking reflects all the important functions of universities: research, teaching, social and knowledge transfer, and also takes into account the economic fate of graduates. Among all non-public universities in Lower Silesia participating in the qualification, the IULT in Wrocław received the highest marks in such areas as: employers’ preferences, academic staff with the highest qualifications, the effectiveness of obtaining external funding for research and internationalization. The high position in the Perspektywy 2020 Ranking is a confirmation of the University’s commitment to the implementation of education in accordance with modern academic standards, and also proves the highest quality of studies and places the university among the leaders on the Higher Education market.
The Central National Certification Bureau awarded the University with the title of “THE UNIVERSITY OF THE YEAR 2020”. The aim of the program implemented by the Central National Certification Bureau is to select and award the best universities. The IULT has been awarded the University of Leaders 2020 certificate for the 10th time as the best non-public university in Poland. The IULT is the only non-public, university in Lower Silesia to be certified in this edition. The University is also a laureate and holder of the “The Prospective Studies” Certificate and Quality Mark in the field of LOGISTICS for first-cycle studies. The accreditation certificate has been awarded to a field of study that stands out from the fields of study of other universities, creates opportunities for the development of professional skills which are valued today by employers, and meets the following criteria:
– is distinguished by the concept of education and high quality of the program of study,
– is adapted to the needs of the labour market and the expectations of the socio-economic environment of the university,
– provides students with current knowledge and develops their skills and social competences, uses modern didactic methods in the curriculum.
Having such a prestigious accreditation proves the highest quality of studies, and also places the University among the leaders in the Higher Education market. The Polish Accreditation Committee assessed in detail the activities of the IULT in accordance with the applicable program evaluation procedure. The commission assessing the degree of fulfilment of individual criteria has acknowledged seven of them as very well met, and the criterion of internationalization of education at an outstanding level. The IULT in Wrocław cooperates with over 60 logistics institutions and companies as well as 38 universities around the world. The cooperation covers a number of activities, including teacher exchange, student exchange, organization of scientific conferences and implementation of scientific and didactic projects. As part of the international cooperation, only in the 2019/2020 academic year, despite the pandemic, 60 open lectures were organized by scientists and logistics practitioners, including from the following countries: the Philippines, the UK, France, China, India, the United States, Ukraine, Germany, Slovakia, Morocco, Armenia, Poland, Ghana, Kosovo, Albania, Russia and New Zealand. Last academic year, 87 student and academic teacher mobilities to the following countries were carried out under ERASMUS + programs: Armenia, Belarus, China, France, the Philippines, Georgia, Ghana, Gabon, the Netherlands, Spain, India, Kosovo, Lithuania, Lesotho, Mongolia, Portugal, Peru, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Slovakia, the USA, Turkey, Hungary, Vietnam, Russia.
Photo 5. NAU – following the cooperation agreement
As far as the cooperation with foreign universities is concerned, the one which is considered to be very precious and effective is the collaboration with NAU in Kiev (Photo 5). Apart from various forms of joint activity with NAU, we carry out, the following projects:  An Integrated University Development Program as a Guarantee of Students’ Success – a project co-financed by the European Union. It assumes the preparation and implementation of 5 new specializations in the field of logistics at the I cycle studies, including the specialization Aviation Logistics;  Master in Logistics 2.0 – project financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Academic International Partnerships program. The aim of the project is to create new tools for distance learning at the master’s level in the field of logistics, including the development of complete programs of 22 courses from the Master in International Logistics program in English, in the e-learning version, and the development of four models and case studies in the field of international logistics, which will be used in individual seminar works. The project is implemented in an international partnership of 9 universities, including NAU, which is the co-author of some of the programs.  II Cycle Logistics Studies – a project financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Catamaran program, including joint international master’s studies. There is a widespread belief at the University that cooperation with NAU brings positive results for each party. Summarizing the above considerations and the facts cited, it should be stated that The IULT is a modern university for students and an attractive partner for cooperating institutions. This is evidenced by the fact that: graduates of The IULT can count on employment with the best employers in the TFL industry around the world; 97% of students and graduates remain professionally active, 86% of them find jobs in specialist positions in companies in the sector; students win international competitions and Olympiads; The University is friendly to students, partners and the region.


Marcin PAWĘSKA (2020) “The Jubilee Inauguration of the 2020/2021 academic year at The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław “. Intellectualization of logistics and Supply Chain Management. [Online], vol.3, pp.99-105, available at: