Placement of electronic scientific and practical publication "Intellectualization of Logistics and Supply Chain Management" in search engines, international scientometric bases and repositories


Index Copernicus
ICI World of Journals collects information on scientific journals from around the world and is divided into sections.
ICI World of Journals is the third largest international database. Registered journals are rigorously evaluated for adherence to scientific and professional standards. Thanks to the extensive search engine ICI World of Journals, users can find the most up-to-date information in all logbooks.

National Library of Ukraine
named after V.I. Vernadsky
NBUV funds – the national cultural heritage of Ukraine – number almost 15.8 million units of storage and are universal both in content and in types of documents.
The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine is the main all-Ukrainian book collection, a nationwide complex library and information, research, scientific-methodical and cultural-educational center, the largest book and information resource in Ukraine.

Індекс Google Академії
A public search engine that indexes metadata of scholarly publications from all fields of knowledge published in various formats.
The Google Scholar Index contains most of the peer-reviewed journals of the largest scientific publishers in Europe and America. This product has the tools to track the scientific citation of indexed publications. Although Google does not officially announce the volume of the Google Scholar Index, it is estimated by experts to be approximately 160 million documents.

registration application submitted
One of the most famous search services in the world, which provides open access to materials and indexes not only the titles of journals, but also scientific articles.
The catalog aims to cover all open scientific journals that adhere to the general principles of quality of scientific publications, and thus promote their dissemination, use and promotion of the Open Access movement.

Ohio College Library Center
The Global Federal Library Catalog and the world’s largest bibliographic database, offering access to resources from 170 countries.
The database contains more than 330 million records, which together provide information on 2 billion physical and electronic publications (articles, archives, books, magazines, maps, music, videos and other resources) published in 485 languages.

Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
Authoritative international database that contains a description of more than 300 thousand periodicals
The international database is actively used by employees of electronic catalogs, libraries, repositories, scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science to obtain detailed information about scientific journals.

DOI in the system Crossref 10.46783
Association of publishers of scientific publications (journals, monographs, conference proceedings)
The association was established to develop and maintain a global high-tech infrastructure of scientific communications. CrossRef’s main mission is to promote the widespread use of innovative technologies to accelerate and facilitate research. All articles are assigned a DOI with the prefix 10.46783.

The aim is to disseminate and facilitate the use of open access scientific journals. The author can obtain information about the influence of the factors of an international journal or scientific article.

Open Academic Journals Index
Full-text open access database for scientific journals.
In the short term, the calculation of the impact factor of journals is considered. When calculating the impact factor, of great importance are the indicators that the full archive received in previous years. More than 97 countries are represented.

ResearchBib - Academic Recource Index
Open access database with a high standard of indexing for researchers and publishers. ResearchBib is the largest complete database of journals on the Internet, freely available.
The database of journals tries to cover all scientific journals and open access scientific journals that use an appropriate quality control system, and the database will not be limited to specific languages or subject areas of research. The database contains more than 420,000 journals from various publishers.

Universal open access repository developed within the European OpenAIRE program and managed by CERN
The system allows researchers to deposit datasets, research software, reports and any other digital research-related results. Each item is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that allows you to easily cite stored data.

Scientific Indexing Services
SIS Founded by a group of more than 70 well-known scientists from around the world with the specific goal of providing quality information to researchers.
SIS offers scientists access to academic databases. Basically it is: citation indexing, analysis and support of citation databases covering thousands of academic journals and books.

InfoBase Index
Multidisciplinary database indexing scientific articles from around the world. Every day the amount of scientific information grows.
Most journals are peer-reviewed publications with high editorial standards. The InfoBase Index aims to increase the visibility of open access logs, helping them to promote and increase rankings.

International Center ISSN 2708-3195
Service offered by the International Center ISSN with the support of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO. The ROAD catalog provides free access to those ISSN bibliographic records that describe open access scientific resources.
ROAD is in line with UNESCO’s activities to promote open access to scientific resources. ROAD complements the UNESCO Global Open Access Portal (GOAP), which provides a complete overview of scientific open access information worldwide.

OpenAIRE-Advance receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. Engaging all stakeholders for an effective Open Science implementation
We make all research information freely available so that 3rd party providers build value added services to foster better understanding of scientific knowledge, while we scout for open and innovative scholarly communication services. We build the European Research Information system that encompasses all research and enables ready-made reporting, monitoring and analysis.