User's agreement

Document version № 1
“22” January 2019
Before using the site, please read this document carefully. Use of the site is prohibited without agreement with the terms of this document. By giving consent to the terms of this Agreement, you accept to comply with all the provisions of this agreement, which are set out below. 


1.1. The User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is addressed to VIOLD LLC, USREOU 42126138, hereinafter referred to as the “Site Administration”, to any person who uses the website hosted on the Internet at the address: ( hereinafter – the site), hereinafter referred to as “User”, with a proposal of contract on the following terms.

1.2. In accordance with the Civil Code of Ukraine, this Agreement is recognized as an offer (public offer). In accordance with the Civil Code of Ukraine, the acceptance of the terms of this Agreement is considered to be the commission of actions set in the Agreement. The contract concluded by accepting the offer does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic form.
1.3. The User has no right to enter into this Agreement if he has not reached the age sufficient for its conclusion, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


Here is the explanation of some terms which are used in this Agreement, unless the context requires different definition, will have the following meanings:

2.1. Site Administration – VIOLD LLC, USREOU number 42126138

2.2. Site – is a set of programs for electronic computers and other information contained in the information system, access to which is provided through the information and telecommunications network of the Internet and located at:
2.3. Offer – is a suggestion to any person to enter into an agreement on the terms set in this Agreement.
2.4. Acceptance – is the full and unconditional consent of a person to enter into an agreement on the terms set forth in this Agreement. For the purposes of this Agreement, acceptance is recognized as the moment from which the User actually started using the Site.
2.5. Personal account – is an individual section of the Site, which is accessed by the User by entering a login and the password of his account known only to him.
2.6. Account – a set of data about the User, which is used to identify him and contains information about the User.
2.7. Content – is any text, graphics, audio, video, and other materials posted on this site.


3.1. The Site Administration grants the User a simple (non-exclusive) license to use the Site and post content on the Site, under the conditions set forth in this Agreement.
3.2. The Site Administration confirms that it has all the exclusive rights to the Site.
3.3. The User confirms that, upon acceptance, he has read the terms of this Agreement and the terms of the Agreement are clear to him.
3.4. The text of this Agreement is posted on the Site. The Site Administration has the right to change this Agreement at any time. The terms of the Agreement may not be changed, except by publishing the amended document on the Site.


4.1. In order to have access to the additional features of the Site, the Site Visitor must go through the free account registration procedure.
4.2. To register an account, the User is obliged to indicate his reliable, complete and up-to-date data, as well as specify the login and password in the appropriate fields of the form posted on the Site.
4.3. The Administration of the Site reserves the right to establish a procedure for confirming the registration of the account, as well as to enter requirements for the user’s login and password in order to ensure the security of the account.
4.4. The User is personally responsible for the security and resistance to burglary by third parties of the password chosen by the User, as well as independently ensures its confidentiality. The user undertakes not to disclose the login and password specified during registration to third parties.
4.5. The User acknowledges that any action taken under his account (including, without limitation, pressing the buttons to confirm with any agreements and rules) will be deemed to be authorized by the User, unless proven otherwise.
4.6. The Site Administration reserves the right to check the data provided by the User for compliance with paragraph 4.2. of this Agreement. If the Site Administration considers that the data provided by the User do not comply with paragraph 4.2. of this Agreement, the Site Administration reserves the right not to provide the User with access to the personal account and (or) block access to the personal account.


5.1. The user has the right to:​
5.1.1. Get access to the Site around the clock, except for the time of preventive work.
5.1.2. Use the Site within the limits set by this agreement.
5.2. The user undertakes:
5.2.1. To comply with the terms of this Agreement.
5.2.2. Do not distribute any software that may bring damages, interferes with, intercepts, expropriates, otherwise violates the integrity of software or hardware systems associated with this Site, as well as the personal information of other users.
5.2.3. When registering an account on the Site, provide information about yourself , as well as keep it up to date. The user confirms that the information provided, complies with paragraph 4.2. of this Agreement.
5.2.4. Do not copy, reproduce, republish, perform transactions with the content of the site, as well as not use the Site to participate in similar activities of the Site Administration.
5.2.5. Do not download, publish or otherwise make available any information that violates the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine or which in the opinion of the Site Administration violates the rights and interests of other citizens and legal entities or for other reasons is undesirable for posting on the Site including, but not limited to, information that violates the intellectual property rights of third parties, threatens, discredits, insults, degrades honor or dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other users or third parties, contains obscene language, contains pornographic images, promotes and ( or) promotes incitement to racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, contains information of restricted access, including, but not limited to, state and trade secrets.
5.2.6. Perform other obligations under this Agreement, as well as comply with all applicable laws of Ukraine and other regulations when using the Site.
5.3. The Administration of the Site has the right to:
5.3.1. Suspend access or delete the User’s account, as well as impose other restrictions on the use of the Site, if the Site Administration has reasonable grounds to believe that the User violates the terms of this Agreement.
5.3.2. Set restrictions on the use of the site for certain categories of users, depending, in particular, but not limited, on the territory of the User, the language in which access to the Site is provided, the maximum amount of information that can be uploaded by the User to the Site.
5.3.3. Delete or change any information posted by the User on the Site that violates the requirements of current legislation in Ukraine, the rights and interests of other citizens and legal entities or is undesirable for posting on the Site.
5.3.4. Do not check the content of any information transmitted by the User through the Site.
5.3.5. Terminate this Agreement with the User and refuse to perform it in case when the User fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement.
5.3.6. Amend the text of this Agreement unilaterally at any time.
5.4. The Site Administration undertakes:
5.4.1. Ensure the availability of the Site around the clock, except for the time of preventive work.
5.4.2. Do not take any actions that may make it impossible for the User to use the Site.


6.1. The Site Administration grants the User a personal, worldwide, free, non-exclusive, limited and non-transferable license to use the Site under the terms set forth in this Agreement.
6.2. The Administration of the Site grants the User the right to use the Site only for purposes that do not contradict the current legislation of Ukraine. Unless otherwise is provided in this Agreement, the User has no right to: collect, copy, distribute, demonstrate, modify, use automatic devices, programs, algorithms that perform functions in the field of accessing or copying any part of the Site, download any part Site, except for short-term loading for technical purposes of the Site.
6.3. The User has the right to download, publish, otherwise make available information on the Site, thereby granting the Site Administration free of charge, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use such information for the duration of the exclusive rights. The Site Administration is not obliged to provide the User with reports on the use of the information posted by him.
6.4. The User is fully responsible for the compliance of all information posted on the Site with the requirements of applicable law, including liability to third parties in cases where the User’s posting of such information on the Site or its content violates the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. The Site Administration has the right to edit (moderate) the information provided by the User for posting on the Site.
6.5. Upon termination of this Agreement, all licenses and rights to use the Site shall terminate immediately. Termination of the Agreement does not affect the obligations of the User imposed by the terms of this Agreement to the Site Administration, which must be reasonably maintained after the termination of the Agreement.


7.1. The Site Administration makes every effort to ensure the operability of the Site, but does not guarantee its constant availability, uninterrupted and timely provision, security, accuracy, absence of errors in the work of the Site. The only available option of the User in connection with the above problems is the immediate termination of use of the Site.
7.2. Use of the Site is provided to the User “as is” and is carried out at his own risk and without any guarantees from the Site Administration, whether there are direct or indirect guarantees, including, but not limited to, guarantees or conditions of quality, performance, commercial suitability, or suitability for use of the Site for other purposes. The Site Administration is responsible for improper fulfillment of its obligations.
7.3. The Site Administration does not bear any liability, whether it is contractual liability or liability for damage, regardless of whether the Site Administration has been notified of the possibility of such violations or damage related to or resulting from the use of the Site by the User, including, but not limited to , for damage resulting from:
7.3.1. Providing for download by the User or other receipt of data through the Site. Any recommendations received by the User orally or in writing from the Site Administration do not create any guarantees;
7.3.2. Disclosure to third parties of information contained in the User’s account, which occurred through no fault of the Site Administration;
7.3.3. Carrying out of preventive works on the Site by the Site Administration with simultaneous termination of access to the Site to Users;
7.3.4. Occurrence of the circumstances provided for in Section 8 of this Agreement;
7.3.5. Actions (inaction) of other users.
7.4. The user is responsible for non-performance or improper performance of its obligations. If any person files a lawsuit against the Site Administration, which is a consequence of the User’s violation of this Agreement and (or) the rights of such person, including violation of exclusive rights, the User is obliged to enter the lawsuit as a third party, provide appropriate compensation and protect the Site Administration from damages to such third party.


8.1. If we are unable to provide access to the use of the Site due to force majeure, under the terms of this Agreement, this should not be considered as violation of our obligations to the User.
8.2. Force majeure circumstances that directly or indirectly affect the Site Administration’s performance of this Agreement include natural disasters, acts of force or cause beyond our reasonable control, including, but not limited to, disconnection of the Internet, computers, telecommunications, or any other equipment failures, power outages, actions of public authorities, including decisions of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals or non-fulfillment of obligations by third parties.


9.1. In case of disputes between the Site Administration and the User arising from this Agreement, the claim procedure for their settlement is mandatory.
9.2. The User has the right to send a written reasoned claim to the address of the Site Administration, if he believes that the Site Administration violates the terms of this Agreement. Claims that do not allow to identify the User are not considered by the Site Administration.
9.3. Адміністрація Сайту має право направити письмову мотивовану претензію на адресу Користувача, який на думку Адміністрації Сайту порушує умови цієї Угоди.
9.4. Термін для розгляду претензії становить 30 (тридцять) днів з дня її отримання адресатом.
9.5. У разі недосягнення вирішення спору, що випливає з цієї Угоди в претензійному порядку, суперечка підлягає розгляду в суді за місцем знаходження Адміністрації Сайту.


10.1. Адміністрація Сайту відповідально ставиться до збереження недоторканності приватного життя Користувачів і конфіденційної їй інформації. Адміністрація Сайту зберігає і обробляє надану Користувачем інформацію, строго дотримуючись Політики конфіденційності, розміщеної на Сайті, відповідно до вимог чинного законодавства в Україні.


11.1. Адміністрація Сайту поважає право кожного Користувача отримувати тільки такі повідомлення, на отримання яких він висловив свою згоду. Адміністрація Сайту при здійсненні відправки електронного повідомлення дотримується Політики розсилки повідомлень та інформації рекламного характеру, розміщеної на Сайті.


12.1. Ця Угода між Адміністрацією Сайту та Користувачем вичерпно регулює використання Користувачем Сайту, включаючи всі функції і сервіси Сайту, замінюючи будь-які попередні письмові або усні домовленості щодо змісту даного документа.
12.2. З урахуванням принципу рівноправності та незалежності сторін ніякі трудові, агентські, партнерські відносини крім відносин щодо використання Сайту між Адміністрацією Сайту і Користувачем не можуть бути встановлені цією Угодою. Перераховані відносини, а також будь-які інші встановлюються окремими угодами між Адміністрацією Сайту і Користувачем.
12.3. Якщо будь-яке положення цієї Угоди або його частина буде визнана такою, що не має юридичної сили будь-яким судовим, або адміністративним органом, що володіє належною юрисдикцією, таке положення або його частина повинні бути видалені з цієї Угоди без будь-якої шкоди для правомочності, дієвості, можливості примусового виконання інших положень цієї Угоди.
12.4. Бездіяльність або затримка при реалізації Адміністрацією Сайту своїх законних прав або вимог по відшкодуванню збитку, передбачених цією Угодою, не означає відмови Адміністрації Сайту від своїх законних прав.
12.5. Адміністрація Сайту залишає за собою право вносити зміни до цієї Угоди. Зміни вступають в силу з моменту їх публікації на Сайті. Користувач визнає і погоджується, що використання ним Сайту після внесення змін до цієї Угоди автоматично означає згоду Користувача з внесеними змінами.
12.6. Назви розділів цієї Угоди встановлюються виключно в довідкових цілях і ніяким чином не визначають, не обмежують, чи не тлумачать зміст відповідного розділу.
12.7. Дія цієї Угоди підпорядкована законодавству України.
12.8. Ця Угода складена українською мовою.

код ЄДРПОУ 42126138