Article review process

The review process is a collaborative process that allows to evaluate and analyze manuscripts submitted to the journal by independent experts within a single field of study. The peer review and critique provide authors with feedback to improve their work, and, critically, allow the editor to assess the suitability of the article for publication in a journal.

The executive secretary and assistant editors review formal and professional standards and pass the article to the reviewer in the relevant field of research.
All articles published in the Electronic scientific-practical journal “Intellectualization of logistics and supply chain management” are peer-reviewed.
Manuscripts received by the editorial board are pre-processed by the members of the editorial board in relation to the compliance of the submitted material with regard to the requirements. In the case of a positive preliminary assessment, the manuscript is sent for review to one (or two) reviewers who are experts in the field.

The editorial board practices a “double-blind peer review” procedure: reviewers have information about the authors of the manuscript, and the authors are not provided with information about those who review their work.

The editorial board submits articles submitted to the journal for review by scholars who have a specialization close to the subject of the article. Previously, all personal data of authors are removed from the texts of articles. Reviewers prepare a review using a special form.

The manuscript may be rejected by the editors without review in the case of:

After reviewing, the editorial board on the basis of the recommendation of the reviewer (reviewers) makes a decision:

Open expert review

Reviewers review all material they receive within two to three weeks of submitting the article to the journal. Accepted articles are published on the website of the Electronic scientific-practical journal “Intellectualization of logistics and supply chain management”.
The electronic scientific-practical journal “Intellectualization of logistics and supply chain management” provides open access to peer-reviewed research as part of its commitment to readers and authors. We make all our research articles freely available on the Internet (for reference).

Appeal process

If your manuscript has been rejected, and if you believe that the reviewers have not considered or misunderstood the relevant paragraph, you can appeal the editorial decision to the Executive Secretary.
If you contact the editorial office and are not satisfied with the editor’s response, the next step in the editorial appeal procedure is to contact the editorial board chairman.