How to submit an article

Requirements for a scientific article

The editorial board of the electronic scientific and practical edition supports the high level of requirements for the selection and review of articles. These rules are determined by the scientific directions of the edition and are governed by the standards of quality of scientific work that are accepted in the scientific community.

Only original articles made at the current methodological and technological level are accepted for publication in the collection, in compliance with the publishing policy of the collection and the recommendations of the – Committee on Publication Ethics.

The rules are prepared in accordance with the requirements for peer-reviewed periodicals and with recommendations for the preparation of materials for international analytical databases.

Plagiarism check

Author’s materials, submitted for publication in the electronic scientific and practical edition “Intellectualization of logistics and Supply Chain Management”, are subject to anonymous peer review, plagiarism review and then are recommended by the Editorial Board for publication.
The originality of the article submitted for publication in the edition must be at least 75%.

The authors are responsible for the selection and accuracy of the given facts, quotations, statistical and sociological data, proper names, geographical names and other information.

About copyright

Articles in the electronic scientific edition “Intellectualization logistics and of Supply Chain Management” are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY, which allows other users to share the work and use the work in another acceptable by author way, with the confirmation of literary property and with reference on publishing of the work in this edition. For additional information, please follow the link (Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Cost of publishing in electronic edition

Publication of copyrighted articles is done on a fee basis. The cost of publishing an article in our edition depends on its volume.

Cost of service for preparation of materials for its placement in the electronic scientific and practical edition “Intellectualization of logistics and Supply Chain Management” includes the cost of assigning a (Digital Object Identifier – DOI) in order to ensure cross-connection of publications in scientific journals using digital object identification.

Payment is made after the approval of the text of the article by the editorial board. If the article meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the editorial policy of the publication, and in the case of positive feedback from the reviewer, the author of the article will receive an email with a receipt for the payment of agreed and received services, including scientific and literary editing, preparation and placement of the article.


The cost of publishing for each page of the article is 50 UAH (for foreign participants $ 2 per page). The fee covers the costs associated with the administration of the journal as well as the placing in the quotation databases.
The cost of assigning a DOI for an article is $ 5 USD. The fee covers the costs associated with publishing the article in the system and paying organizational fees.
Every year it is planned to publish an anniversary edition (Almanac of electronic edition) of the most popular articles on the Internet, with expanded information about the authors and their research.
The electronic certificate of the journal’s author is provided for free

Additional Services

The editors of the journal provide services for the translation of scientific articles from Russian (Ukrainian) into English. The translation procedure is paid. The cost is agreed individually, depending on the volume and complexity of the text.
The editors of the periodical provide services for professional editing of the article. The defined service consists in proofreading, correction of structure, the content, conformity of the text for the purpose of perfection, logical sequence and completeness of article. The cost of editing is calculated individually, depending on the total amount in characters with spaces and the type of editing.
There is a discount system for regular authors.

Content requirements and technical requirements

1. General rules for the design of scientific publications

– the name of the text editor,
– імена файлів,
– file names,
– journal title,
– article title,
– section of science,
– the author’s last name, first name and patronymic.

2. Structure of the scientific article (in accordance with the requirements of national standard DSTU 7152: 2010 "EditioHns. Publications' design in journals and collections")

to meet the requirements of the Decree of the Presidium of the HAC of Ukraine dated 15.01.2003 №7-05 / 1 “About increasing the requirements for professional publications included in the lists of the HAC of Ukraine”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2010. No. 55 “On Organizing the Transliteration of the Ukrainian Latin Alphabet” and must have the following necessary information:
Use Times New Roman font, 10, bold for table names.

Table 1

Displaying factoring operations in customer accounts

Use the Times New Roman font, 10, bold for the caption signatures. The figure is placed in the middle of the page.
The caption below the drawings of the species:

Figure {sequence number} – {picture signature}


Figure 1 – Stages of construction of the control system

For setting formulas it is obligatory to use the Microsoft Equation 3.0 Formula Editor. . Arrange formulas in the center, numeration on the right edge. Thetransferring order of variables in the formula – in the order of their representation in it. Example:

All symbols in the text must be created using the Formulas’ editor starting with one character. Use of other Fonts’ symbols can causeinconsistenciesbetween author’s version of the article and editorial.
In this case,the editors are not responsible for accuracy of the printed the article. 

On the website you can use the service of transliteration of Ukrainian text into Latin for free. On the site there is a service for transliteration of Russian text (BGN’s standard).
The certificate contains the following information:
– article title;
– last name, full name and patronymic;
– year of birth;
– academic degree, academic title;
– workplace ( full official title of the institution in English);
– position;
– ORCID idetificator;
– ResearcherID idetificator;
– Scopus author id idetificator
– the address for sending the author’s copy (if available).
At the end of the reference it should be noted “Submitted material has not been published before and has not been sent to other publishers”. I do not object to posting the full information(edition) of the article on the site of the National Library of Ukraine named after M. VI Vernadsky, in abstract databases and full-text database of the site

3. Recommendations for writing annotations (author's abstracts) for scientific articles

Manuscripts with the most specific annotations are accepted for publication. The composite abstract can be constructed according to the principles of IMRAD (Introduction, Methods (Methodology), Results and Discussion). It is well-known international practice to use annotations (in English – resume or abstract) not only as a structural component of a scientific article itself, but also as a separate scientific form, which aims to familiarize the essence and content of the research in the broadest terms.

Relevance – is the topicality of the research. Purpose – is the aim and objectives of the study. Do not repeat the title of the article. If the purpose of the article is clear, then this sentence should be omitted. For example, you can specify – Considered Topics … Do not use suchwords as “In this article..” Competent researchers are well aware that this is your work.

Methods (research methodology) – are pieces of data about when, where, how the study was conducted; what information, methods were used; who was included in the group of subjects. The method or methodology of the work should be described if they differ in novelty or their development is an independent part of the work. The abstracts of the documents that describe the experimental works indicate the sources of data and the nature of their processing.

The results are the main conclusions (specifics), the consequences of the study. For example – Defined that …, It is found out that …, Shown that …, and so on. The results of the work are described in an accurate and informative way. Basic theoretical and experimental results, evidence, identified relationships and patterns are provided. In this case, preference is given to new results and data of long-term value, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the author’s opinion, are of practical importance.

The conclusions may include the recommendations, estimates, suggestions, hypotheses described in the article. It is not recommended to indicate that your approach or methodology is better than the other authors’ one. This is understandable from the very status of the article as a scientific itself.

Perspectives – is information about the result’s comparison with the findings of other scientists, what are the prospects for the study, directions for further work, the complexity.

In the process of annotation’s preparation, you should start with what you write for competent researchers and a wide range (spectrum) of potential English-speaking users Therefore, you can enter special terms in annotation. You should clearly state your position. The style of its presentation depends on the number of appealsand, what is especcially important and relevant today, the number of citations of your publication. The abstract should not contain general words.

The author’s resume should state the essential facts of the work and should not exaggerate or contain material that is not present in the main body of the publication.

The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the author’s summary. Abbreviations and conventions are not allowed.

The author’s resume does notinvokethe publication number in the list of references in the article.

Excessive introductory phrases should be avoided (for example, “author’s reviews”). Historical references, if they do not constitute the main content of the document, no description of previously published works and well-known provisions should not be presented in the abstract.

Syntax constructions inherent in the language of scientific and technical documents should be used in the text of the abstract and complex grammatical constructions (not used in scientific English) should be avoided.

The volume of the text is determined by the content of the publication (the amount of information, their scientific value and / or practical value), but should not be less than 1800 symbols..

4. Recommendations for writing the text of a scientific article

According to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated 15.01.2003 №7-05 / 1 “On increasing the requirements for professional publications included in the lists of the Attestation Commission of Ukraine”, the text of the article should include the following elements:
the relevance of the problem in its general form and its validity to important scientific or practical tasks;
an analysis of the latest research and publications in which the problem is solved and which the author relies on, the selection of previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted;
formulation of the purpose of the study (setting the task);
presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results;
conclusions from this study and prospects for further investigations in this area.

Features of the scientific article’s style

Often, authors who declare access to a scientific issue use a nonfiction style of presentation. Mixing styles is not justified, as a creation of a qualitative intellectual product cannot be associated with publicity in any form. Journalism and science are two full-fledged, important for social development, but completely different areas of intellectual expression. That is why, starting with the stage of comprehension of the methods of gathering information and ending with the forms of presentation of those concepts and ideas that the author came up with as a result of the research, it is necessary to be clearly and unambiguously guided by the generally recognized scientific standards of the level of argumentation and style of presentation of the material.

It should be remembered that the article does not contain unproven theses and concepts; all ideas were in a natural and well-reasoned relationship; the author aimed to maximize objectivity and search for scientific truth, free from the pressure of ideology and emotions.

5. Recommendations for compiling a list of references

After the article 2 lists are submitted:
List of used links (regular reference list) and References (a list for international databases, where data are translated in Ukrainian / Russian using transliteration,, however sources are duplicated in English from the list of Used Sources). All authors should be included in the description of the document in the List and References, without reducing the list to three, as it is recommended by the current state standard.

Rules for designing the References translated in the Roman alphabet (Latin)

Proper description of the sources used in the literature lists is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when evaluating the scientific activity of its authors, and therefore (by chain) – the activities of the organization, region, country.

According to the citation, the periodical(journal) , determines its scientific level, authority, effectiveness of its editorial board, etc. The following is that the most significant components in the bibliographic references are the names of the authors and the names of the journals. In order for all authors of the publication to be included in the Scopus system, it is necessary to insert the names of all authors in the description of the article, without reducing them to three, four and more.

You must use the Harvard’s standard to draw up your References.

An example of a journal’s article description: Fritzkowski, P & Kaminski, H 2009, ‘Dynamics of a rope modeled as a discrete system with extensible members’, Computational Mechanics, no. 44(4), pp. 473-480. doi:10.1007/s00466-009-0387-2.

Example of the book description: Loveikin, V, Chovniuk, Yu, Dikteruk, M & Pastushenko, S 2004, Modeliuvannia dynamiky mekhanizmiv vantazhopidiomnykh mashyn, RVV MDAU, Mykolaiv.